In order to create this website, various requests were submitted to the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Family and Social Policy and General Directorate for Security concerning data on women. As they remained fruitless, a media search has been made between 2008-2013. This data has been compared with that of the “Platform for Stopping Femicide” and a list has been compiled. Attention has been paid to cover only deaths caused by domestic violence and other causes with unclear motives have been eliminated. Recently cleared domestic violence cases are being added to the list such as of Sinem Yurdanur who died in 2010, as they become public knowledge. As the list has been compiled through media search, it is possible that many other femicides have occurred that have not been covered.

With the opening of a separate page for each woman, one can see how, why and by whom she has been killed as well as whether she requested protection from the government. One can also see the news in the media regarding the femicide. This draws attention to the difference in the language used over the years by the media in covering these news.